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Detailed Agenda




Offshore Support Vessel Summit China is the annual conference hosted by Ridge China.For our past OSV China 2012, OSV China 2013, OSV China 2014 and OSV China 2015, more than 700 experts and decision makers from governments, financial institutions, classifica tion  societies, ship-owners, ship-yards, oil and gas service companies,  research in stitutes, technology/equipment suppliers and consulting companies have had indepth discussion and communication on the current issues of market, regulations, designs and standards for new ship models,innovative and sustainable ship technologies through this international platform of annual Offshore Support Vessel Summit.



In year 2016, Over 150 industry experts and corporate decision makers will be engaged in indepth exchange of views and discussions on the issues and topics that we concern by virtue of the international platform of Offshore Support Vessel Summit China 2016.



Hot Topics:


• Oil Price Trend and When Can We Expect Recovery
• Orderbook Update and Analysis on OSV Trends
• OSV Building Market in China
• Design for Efficiency and Safety
• For Offshore Wind Market-Conversion or New Build?
• DP Technologies and Developments
• Advanced Deepwater ROV Technologies
• Development in Electric Propulsion for OSVs
• ......



Who Should Attend:


CEOs, Presidents, VPs, General Managers, Directors, Chief Engineers, Senior Managers, Marine Architects , Marine Engineers from:

• Oil & Gas companies

• OSV owners/Oil & Gas   service companies

• Shipyards 

• OSV Designers

• Marinetime Research Institutions  

• Classification Societies 

• Vendors

• Ports / Salvages

• Solution Providers

• Law Firms

• Financial Institutions

• Consulting Companies

• ......



Speakers From:


• Oil & Gas Companies

• OSV owners/Oil & Gas service companies

• OSV designers

• Shipyards

• Classification Societies

• ......